Foundation Family Fun Day was an educational and engaging event for our Foundation students and their families. An animal farm and a magician, along with a picnic provided an authentic opportunity for our students and their families to make connections with each other and the wider school community during Term 1, 2024. This is an annual event for Foundation Families. See our Foundation students enjoying Family Fun Day in the gallery below.
Harmony Day Parade
Harmony Week is the celebraton that recognises diversity and brings together Australians from all different backgrounds. As Noble Park Primary School aspires to create an inclusive school community, we celebrate Harmony Week every year. Our annual Harmony Day Parade is a wonderful opportunity for students, staff, parents and carers to attend the parade, wearing traditional dress or a touch of orange. Orange has been the Harmony Week colour since the first event was held in 1999. Traditionally the colour orange relates to social communication, stimulating two-way conversations. It aids in the development of new ideas and frees the spirit of its limitations, giving us the freedom to be ourselves. See our whole school community enjoying Family Fun Day in the gallery below.
Family Maths Afternoon
Family Maths Afternoon is a whole school event which runs annually at Noble Park Primary School. Activities involve families and students working together on mathematical tasks. Family Maths Afternoon aslso provides an authentic opportunity to illustrate that mathematics is enjoyable, challenging, rewarding, and that collaboration is a powerful tool for increasing the likelihood of solving a task. This events ensures that families can see first-hand what explicit mathematics teaching and learning looks like so that families better understand how and why schooling has changed since they went to school. Families are also welcome to ask questions about mathematics and mathematics teaching in a casual, relaxed environment.
Ganga Giri Concert
On the first day of Term 3, Noble Park Primary School launched the Term 3 Value, Be Respectful. To start the Term 3 Values Launch, Ganga Giri, a master performer and Indigenous Australian artist, will present the didgeridoo, both in words and in live music! What a wonderful opportunity for the whole school community to engage in live music while celebrating diversity. Parents and carers were invited to attend. Authentic learning opportunites followed in learning houses and students explored the Term 3 Value Be Respectful - We accept each other for who we are.
Family Reading AfternoonOn Tuesday 13th August, our whole school community enjoyed engaging in Noble Park Primary Schools Family Reading Afternoon. Students, staff, parents and carers wore their PJs, 'snuggled up with a book' and participated in reading games. To top it off, milo and biscuits were enjoyed by everyone! Throughout the is event, money was raised through a gold coin donation. The money raised was donated to States Schools’ Relief (a non for profit organisation that improves the lives of tens of thousands of disadvantaged Victorian students’ and their families). What a great success for everyone involved!
Term 4 Values Launch - Be Kind
Our Be Kind Values Launch was also a great success! By wearing blue, engaging in authentic learning opportunities, learning about the Superb Fairy-wren. and the Wedding Bush, the students have deepened their knowledge and understanding of the Be Kind meaning statement - We use our words and actions to show we care. Parent/carer, staff and student feedback was extremely positive, and we are looking forward to our next Launch in Term 1 – 2025. Be Responsible - We own our choices and our behaviour