It is an honour and privilege to be the Principal at Noble Park Primary School. Since the commencement of 2023, I have thoroughly enjoyed working with our supportive school community and dedicated staff to maximise learning and wellbeing outcomes for our students. By engaging in an inclusive and respectful learning environment, the students at Noble Park Primary School are encouraged to have high expectations of themselves as learners and are supported to achieve success every day.
At Noble Park Primary School, we aspire to create an inclusive school community that embraces opportunity and inspires individuals to collaborate, learn and achieve. Our school values assist in creating an inclusive and respectful learning environment where students develop social skills and build positive relationships with their peers.
At Noble Park Primary School, our values are:
Be Responsible
We own our choices and our behaviour.
Be Respectful
We accept each other for who we are.
Be Kind
We use our words and actions to show we care.
Be Safe
We look after each other through the choices we make.
Our staff are highly motivated and work collaboratively to ensure that explicit and differentiated learning opportunities are provided for all students. Staff professional learning is continuous and strengthens the delivery of high-quality teaching and learning programs across the school.
At Noble Park Primary School, we celebrate diversity and respect parents as active participants in their child’s learning and development. We are committed to establishing partnerships with parents and the wider community and working with external organisations to support our families. English classes and Playgroup take place in the Community Room each week. Parents and carers are welcome to attend.
If you would like to visit our school or meet with a member of our leadership team, please contact our friendly office staff on 9546 8811.
Jodie PymanPrincipal