Resilience, Rights and Respectful Relationships Program
The role of schools in the implementation of developing respectful relationships and changing the story of family violence for future generations is critical. Schools are a workplace, a community hub and a place of learning. Everyone involved in our school community deserves to be respected, valued and treated equally.
It is widely understood that changes in attitudes and behaviours can be achieved when positive attitudes, behaviours and equality are actively lived and encouraged across the school community. More importantly when classroom learning is reinforced by what is actually taking place within the school community.
The Resilience, Rights and Respectful Relationships program focuses on embedding a culture of respect and equality across our entire community. Consistency and predictability in approaches, expectations and behaviours lead to positive impacts on student’s academic outcomes, their mental health, classroom behaviour, relationships between teachers and students, and relationships between school and home.
At Noble Park Primary School, a whole school sequence of learning is implemented to promote respectful relationships, build resilience and a culture of acceptance and understanding within our community. Our intention is to ensure that everyone understands and uses language across our whole school community to ensure healthy relationships and confidence.
Students participate in Respectful Relationship lessons on a weekly or fortnightly basis within their classrooms. In the first two weeks of Term 1, students participate in the Setting Up for Success Program which aims to build community within classrooms. During this time the focus is on Emotional Literacy and Personal Strengths giving students the language and skills needed to navigate the start of the school year.
Throughout the year, the work completed during Respectful Relationship lessons will be shared. This will include photographs and descriptions of lessons in fortnightly newsletters as well as celebrating the students achievements.
For more information click here.