Boardmaker 7 is a print resource and online interactive activity application for augmentative and alternative communication. Boardmaker 7 is available to Victorian Government specialist school teachers and support staff, enabling them to create inclusive educational experiences for students with additional learning needs. Using more than 80,000 individual picture symbols, educators and support staff can create print resources and online interactive activities that support each student's unique learning needs across all Victorian curriculum learning areas. Available in English and 44 other languages, Boardmaker 7 can be used to support a diverse range of learners.
It is expected that Noble Park Primary School will use Boardmaker to support teaching and learning from February 2025. To find out more about how Boardmaker and our school protect your student’s personal information read the Information for Parents and Carers guide on Arc. Alternatively the same document can be accessed here: Boardmaker Information for Parents and Carers Guide
As your child does not have an individual Boardmaker account, and use is being facilitated through a teacher or support staff you do not need to do anything further. If you have any questions or concerns regarding your student using Boardmaker, please contact the school to discuss your options: 9546 8811.
For a reminder of all the third-party online services, applications and systems used by our school which handle student or parent information, please refer to the Schools’ Privacy Policy.